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Fluorite (dichroic) with Quartz
Fluorite (dichroic) with Quartz. natural light
natural light
Fluorite (dichroic) with Quartz. incandescent light
incandescent light

Recorded under neon light

MXF99CD1: Much deserves to be said about this piece, but the Mineralogical Record magazine's website has already done so, in its section "What’s New on the Internet Reports”, vol. 68, December 2023, page 9, and also, and very extensively, the magazines Lapis on page 37 of its 12/2023 edition, and Le Règne Minéral, no. 174/2023, page 26.
These dichroic fluorites from Nigeria have been seen at different shows throughout the year, but until now no specimens of significant quality had appeared. Are we going to see many more specimens of this quality? Is this piece, so perfect, going to be an exception? Impossible to know that now, but surely the year 2024 will show us whether this piece is a unique case or not. The only thing that is certain is that it is a very pretty Fluorite, whatever happens later with specimens from this locality.
Mina Jalingo, higher level, Mambilla Plateau, Taraba State  Nigeria (2023)

Specimen size: 10.9 × 7.4 × 3.9 cm = 4.29” × 2.91” × 1.54”

Main crystal size: 3.3 × 3 cm = 1.30” × 1.18”


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