Carpe Minerals by Carles Manresa

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Opal-CT (variety lussatite) after fossil (Helix ramondi)

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

MTB67CD3: Gastropod (Helix ramondi) fossilized in translucent Opal-CT (lussatite variety), with pearly luster and colors between white and sky-blue. In its original matrix, with only a slight reinforcement in the back to prevent the fossil from falling off.
Very elegant and of very good quality for the locality.
Les Rois Mine, Mur-sur-Allier, Pont-du-Château, Clermont-Ferrand District, Puy-de-Dôme Department, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France

Specimen size: 4.2 × 3.9 × 3.4 cm = 1.65” × 1.54” × 1.34”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.7 cm = 0.71” × 0.67”


MTT66CD4: Group of perfectly sharp and doubly terminated Azurite crystals, two of them clearly dominant and very aerial, that present polycrystalline growths, with the rhombic morphology clearly visible. This specimen comes from the type locality for the species, and retains its color and extraordinary luster. Associated with small scattered remnants of Malachite.
Chessy-les-Mines, Les Bois d'Oingt, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France

Specimen size: 2.6 × 2.2 × 1.4 cm = 1.02” × 0.87” × 0.55”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.1 cm = 0.71” × 0.43”

Type locality

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

MRX37CD5: Aggregate of fine tabular Azurite crystals forming rosettes of very vivid and uniform color, on small remnants of blackish rock matrix. The morphology of the crystals stands out, forming a lattice of concentric growth from the matrix, an unusual habit for Azurite specimens from Chessy-les-Mines, the type locality for this mineral species. A very fine specimen.
Chessy-les-Mines, Les Bois d'Oingt, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France

Specimen size: 5.9 × 4.9 × 2.8 cm = 2.32” × 1.93” × 1.10”

Main crystal size: 0.2 × 0.2 cm = 0.08” × 0.08”

Type locality


MXA74CD4: A historical piece. Fine sharp tabular Azurite crystal aggregate with very visible flat faces of very brilliant luster and intense blue color forming rosettes crisscrossed with each other. The specimen stands out both for its good size as well as for its origin, the primitive 'Mine Bleu' opened by miners in 1811, and which yielded numerous vugs full of Azurite, as evidenced by this specimen.
It comes from the Moutet collection of Marseille with an original Deyrolle label that came attached to a cardboard box and that we will send to the buyer.
Mine Bleu, Chessy-les-Mines, Les Bois d'Oingt, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France

Specimen size: 7.8 × 6.5 × 3.7 cm = 3.07” × 2.56” × 1.46”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 0.3 cm = 0.47” × 0.12”

Type locality

Former collection of Moutet (Marseille)

Azurite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Azurite. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Recorded under neon light
Pyromorphite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Pyromorphite. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Recorded under neon light

EPF47CD1: From an unusual locality, with sharp crystals and a good green color, this large and undamaged specimen of Pyromorphite is a good representation of what was found in the past in this classic French locality.
Nuissière Mine, Chénelette, Thizy-les-Bourgs, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France

Specimen size: 12.3 × 8 × 5 cm = 4.84” × 3.15” × 1.97”

Main crystal size: 0.5 × 0.2 cm = 0.20” × 0.08”

Anatase with Quartz and Chlorite

Recorded under neon light

EPK39CD1: Sharp Anatase crystals and Quartz crystals with inclusions of what appears to be a Chlorite, which is also present in the matrix.
Very elegant and perfect, it comes from a recent find.
Col de la Madeleine, La Lauzière Massif, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France (08/2023)

Specimen size: 6.4 × 6 × 3.4 cm = 2.52” × 2.36” × 1.34”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.3 cm = 0.28” × 0.12”

Anatase with Quartz and Chlorite. Anatase with Quartz and Chlorite.
Anatase with Quartz and Chlorite
Anatase with Quartz and Chlorite. Anatase with Quartz and Chlorite.

Recorded under neon light

EPL57CD1: Sharp Anatase crystals and Quartz crystals with inclusions of what appears to be a Chlorite, which is also present in the matrix.
Very elegant and perfect, it comes from a recent find.
Col de la Madeleine, La Lauzière Massif, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France (08/2023)

Specimen size: 6.4 × 6.1 × 3.4 cm = 2.52” × 2.40” × 1.34”

Main crystal size: 06 × 0.2 cm = 2.36” × 0.08”

Anatase with Quartz and Chlorite

Recorded under neon light

EPJ89CD1: Sharp Anatase crystals and Quartz crystals with inclusions of what appears to be a Chlorite, which is also present in the matrix.
Very elegant and perfect, it comes from a recent find.
Col de la Madeleine, La Lauzière Massif, Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France (08/2023)

Specimen size: 9.1 × 5 × 2.1 cm = 3.58” × 1.97” × 0.83”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.2 cm = 0.28” × 0.08”

Anatase with Quartz and Chlorite. Anatase with Quartz and Chlorite.
Anatase with Quartz and Chlorite.
Quartz with Siderite

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

MBR87CD3: Druse formed by Quartz crystals, on matrix, very elongated and aerial, water-clear and perfectly sharp, with endings that show the Dauphine habit, interpenetrated by ocher-brown rhombohedral Siderite crystals forming a classic alpine association for these two species and with the Quartz clearer than is usually the case for this locality.
Le Trou des Chasseurs, Vizille, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France (12/2011)

Specimen size: 8.8 × 6.2 × 5.3 cm = 3.46” × 2.44” × 2.09”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 1.3 cm = 0.55” × 0.51”

Axinite-(Fe) with Albite

Recorded under neon light

EPR49CD1: Very aerial Axinite-(Fe) crystal on an Albite matrix, which gives the piece a lot of contrast because it is so white. The crystal is complete on all sides, and its color and luster are excellent.
Rochers de l'Armentier, Le Bourg d'Oisans, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France

Specimen size: 6.8 × 3.5 × 5.8 cm = 2.68” × 1.38” × 2.28”

Main crystal size: 3 × 2.4 cm = 1.18” × 0.94”

Axinite-(Fe) with Albite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Axinite-(Fe) with Albite. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Fluorite (octahedral) with Albite and Quartz
Fluorite (octahedral) with Albite and Quartz. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Fluorite (octahedral) with Albite and Quartz. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

MBS47CD2: Octahedral Fluorite crystals, very sharp, translucent, and unusually intense pink in color, on a crystalline matrix of Albite and Quartz.
A French classic from the most famous Montblanc locality for octahedral fluorites with very intense color, Pointe Kurtz.
Pointe Kurtz, Mont Blanc Massif, Chamonix, Haute-Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France (2023)

Specimen size: 7.9 × 5.4 × 2.8 cm = 3.11” × 2.13” × 1.10”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.6 cm = 0.71” × 0.63”

Galena after Pyromorphite
Galena after Pyromorphite  

MFP30CD3: Aggregate of prismatic Pyromorphite crystals partially pseudomorphed by Galena, with the dominant forms of the prism and a very flattened pinacoid termination. The crystals are sharper than usual, as is its state of conservation.
This specimen, a classic of French mineralogy, comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto (number 1965.32) whose digital file we will send to the buyer of the piece.
Huelgoat, Châteaulin, Finistère, Brittany/Bretagne  France

Specimen size: 4.9 × 3.9 × 2.4 cm = 1.93” × 1.54” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 1.3 cm = 0.55” × 0.51”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light
Chalcopyrite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Recorded under neon light

TTB46CD4: Group of Chalcopyrite crystals, complex and with polycrystalline growths, with well defined faces and edges and with a very marked bluish iridescence.
After consulting several experts with knowledge of the area, we believe that this piece comes specifically from the Armée Céleste Mine, one of the classic Alsatian mines in which silver was the main metal exploited, and which yielded good specimens of Chalcopyrite.
Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, Colmar-Ribeauvillé, Haut-Rhin, Grand Est  France

Specimen size: 2.9 × 3.4 × 1.6 cm = 1.14” × 1.34” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 2.2 × 1.8 cm = 0.87” × 0.71”

Calcite with sand inclusions

MXA49CDD: Large and with a curious shape. A piece originating from historical finds not far from the city of Paris.
Bellecroix, Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France  France

Specimen size: 21.7 × 15.8 × 16 cm = 8.54” × 6.22” × 6.30”

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

MQR87CD3: Aggregate of very lustrous prismatic Pyromorphite crystals, with flat pinacoidal terminations. Very sharp, with very deep and uniform apple-green color, and with the largest crystals exhibiting hopper growths. A classic of French mineralogy.
Les Farges Mine (Des Farges Mine), Ussel, Corrèze, Nouvelle-Aquitaine  France

Specimen size: 3.6 × 3 × 1.6 cm = 1.42” × 1.18” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 0.5 × 0.3 cm = 0.20” × 0.12”


TBB68CD4: Floater piece with natural cavities that is very characteristic of the Des Farges Mine, both for the morphology of the crystals, being slightly tapered and curved prisms with flat ends, as well as the excellent luster and yellow color (somewhat greenish), with more color zoning deep in the center of the crystals.
A classic of French mineralogy from Henri Jammot's collection.
Les Farges Mine (Des Farges Mine), Ussel, Corrèze, Nouvelle-Aquitaine  France

Specimen size: 4.4 × 2.4 × 2.9 cm = 1.73” × 0.94” × 1.14”

Main crystal size: 2 × 0.5 cm = 0.79” × 0.20”

Former collection of Henri Jammot

Pyromorphite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

TXA50CD5: Arborescent growths of prismatic Pyromorphite crystals ending in a hopper termination, and with the intense green color that has given so much fame to the pyromorphites from this locality, a classic of French mineralogy.
As if that were not enough, these crystals grow on a rock matrix, an aspect that gives good balance to the entire specimen.
Les Farges Mine (Des Farges Mine), Ussel, Corrèze, Nouvelle-Aquitaine  France

Specimen size: 6.4 × 6 × 4.9 cm = 2.52” × 2.36” × 1.93”

Aragonite (variety Cu-bearing aragonite )

EBX47CD3: Arrigas is a little-known French mine that produced really colorful copper-stained Aragonite, like this old specimen.
Arrigas Mines, Arrigas, Le Vigan, Gard Department, Occitanie  France

Specimen size: 7 × 6.7 × 3.8 cm = 2.76” × 2.64” × 1.50”

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

EXA66CD5: Aggregate of very well defined tabular Baryte crystals, translucent and transparent with a delicate sky-blue color, with very well-defined faces and edges, implanted in a rock matrix with iron oxide stains that give it a certain yellowish color.
It comes from a classic locality for French mineralogy where very beautiful specimens of Fluorite have been found, but where Baryte is not easy to find.
Le Burc Mine, Alban-Le Fraysse area, Tarn, Occitanie  France

Specimen size: 7.3 × 5.9 × 4.1 cm = 2.87” × 2.32” × 1.61”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 1.2 cm = 0.63” × 0.47”

Fluorite on Quartz

Recorded under neon light

EXY57CD1: With the desired color of the best fluorites from Les Escauffages, in Valzergues, these crystals of Fluorite are very individualized, which gives a good contrast with the Quartz matrix.
Les Escauffages, Valzergues Mines, Valzergues, Villefranche-de-Rouergue, Aveyron, Occitanie  France

Specimen size: 8.7 × 6.8 × 2.5 cm = 3.43” × 2.68” × 0.98”

Main crystal size: 1 × 1 cm = 0.39” × 0.39”

Former collection of Daniel Poinsot

Fluorite on Quartz. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Fluorite on Quartz. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Pyromorphite with Quartz

Recorded under neon light
Pyromorphite with Quartz. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

TXM73CD4: Spheroidal growths of very fine acicular crystals of Pyromorphite with clearer transparencies in the terminations and an intense green color, on a rock matrix with Quartz.
An elegant classic of French mineralogy from the collection of Michel Perraudin.
Saint-Salvy Mine, Saint-Salvy-de-la-Balme, Tarn, Occitanie  France

Specimen size: 9.3 × 6 × 3.9 cm = 3.66” × 2.36” × 1.54”

Former collection of Michel Perraudin



Epidote with Amphibole (variety byssolite) inclusions and Albite

Recorded under neon light

EFX27CDD: A classic fan of the Knappenwand's Epidote, in this case with the byssolite, not external but internal, included in the first generation of the crystal fan, that carry the most raised and transparent Epidote crystals. With small white Albite crystals at the base.
Knappenwand, Knappenwand area, Untersulzbach Valley, Hohe Tauern, Salzburg  Austria

Specimen size: 12.8 × 4 × 2.9 cm = 5.04” × 1.57” × 1.14”

Epidote with Amphibole (variety byssolite) inclusions and Albite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Epidote with Amphibole (variety byssolite) inclusions and Albite. Side / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Side / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Grossular (variety hessonite) with Clinochlore
Grossular (variety hessonite) with Clinochlore. Photo: Joaquim Callén
Photo: Joaquim Callén

Recorded under neon light

ELR67CD1: These garnets from the roddingites of the Val d'Ala area are always pleasant...
This one is especially fine due to its orange color, very sweet, and with the unmistakable green Clinochlore giving it contrast.
Val d'Ala, Lanzo Valleys (Valli di Lanzo), Metropolitan City of Turin Province, Piedmont (Piemonte)  Italy

Specimen size: 6.8 × 4.8 × 4.4 cm = 2.68” × 1.89” × 1.73”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.3 cm = 0.16” × 0.12”


HPB37CD2: Well-profiled rhombododecahedral crystal of Almandine, translucent, very shiny, and on a Mica matrix.
Almandines do not usually have very showy colors, but this one, from an old Spanish collection, is very striking due to the intensity of its color, likely related to its Alpine origin.
Colle del Vento, Villar Focchiardo, Metropolitan City of Turin Province, Piedmont (Piemonte)  Italy

Specimen size: 7.4 × 5.8 × 4.4 cm = 2.91” × 2.28” × 1.73”

Main crystal size: 2 × 1.6 cm = 0.79” × 0.63”

Almandine. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Almandine. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

TFR98CDD: Coral-like formations of Calcite in very elongated groups that have miraculously been well-preserved, considering their delicacy and the extraction difficulties from the mine.
From the collection of carbonates from Europe of Francesco S. Stoppani.
San Giovanni Mine, Punta della Torre, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna  Italy

Specimen size: 14.3 × 7.7 × 5.5 cm = 5.63” × 3.03” × 2.17”

Minor fluorescence short UV

Former collection of Francesco S. Stoppani

Calcite on Aragonite and on Sulphur

MTB48CD5: Aggregate of thick Aragonite crystals with well defined faces and edges completely covered by small, very lustrous Calcite crystals. The entire set has been deposited on a matrix formed by Sulphur crystals.
A classic of Italian mineralogy.
Cozzo Disi Mine, Casteltermini, Agrigento (Girgenti) Province, Sicily  Italy

Specimen size: 11.8 × 7.6 × 5.9 cm = 4.65” × 2.99” × 2.32”

Main crystal size: 2.5 × 2.3 cm = 0.98” × 0.91”

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light
Sphalerite with Quartz, Calcite and Galena

Recorded under neon light

MBR47CD2: Isolated twinned (spinel twinning) crystals of bright Sphalerite on a matrix of Quartz crystals with Calcite and Galena.
From a mine where many sphalerites have been seen, this one stands out for its definition, shininess, and the beauty of the accompanying minerals.
Stan Trg (Stari Trg) Mine, Trepča Complex, Trepča Valley, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovska Mitrovica District  Kosovo

Specimen size: 8.3 × 7.9 × 4.5 cm = 3.27” × 3.11” × 1.77”

Main crystal size: 2.3 × 2.2 cm = 0.91” × 0.87”

Former collection of M. Gabriel

Baryte with Realgar inclusions and Stibnite

MFA67CD3: Aggregate of tabular crystals of Baryte, intergrown and intensely colored somewhat orange-red due to Realgar inclusions. In a matrix in which one can also see isolated spherical aggregates formed of dark Stibnite crystals.
Baia Sprie, Maramures  Romania

Specimen size: 4.9 × 3.3 × 3.8 cm = 1.93” × 1.30” × 1.50”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 1.1 cm = 0.47” × 0.43”

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light
Berzeliite with Hausmannite

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

TXF97CD5: This rare arsenate of sodium, calcium and magnesium displays an intense and uniform yellow color and crystalline appearance, on a rock matrix partially covered by Calcite which gives a beautiful color contrast. Also has small dark grains of Hausmannite.
The Berzeliite comes from the type locality for the species, the Långban metamorphic manganese-iron deposit with its very complex skarns and pegmatites, which has provided a whopping 78 type localities of mineral species.
Långban, Filipstad, Värmland  Sweden

Specimen size: 6.1 × 4.2 × 3.7 cm = 2.40” × 1.65” × 1.46”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.2 cm = 0.12” × 0.08”

Type locality

Quartz with inclusions of Chlorite and Pyrophillite
Quartz with inclusions of Chlorite and Pyrophillite  

RLX47CDD: Folch's duplicate, elegant, and transparent, showcasing the growth phantoms of green Chlorite inclusions very well.
Viaplana, Sils, Thusis, Domleschg, Hinterrhein Valley, Grischun (Grisons; Graubünden)  Switzerland (±1958)

Specimen size: 7.6 × 3.9 × 3.6 cm = 2.99” × 1.54” × 1.42”

Former collection Folch (duplicates)

Recorded under neon light
Quartz with Chlorite inclusions and Albite
Quartz with Chlorite inclusions and Albite. Photo: Joaquim Callén
Photo: Joaquim Callén

Recorded under neon light

MRA98CD4: Plate formed by Quartz crystals arranged in a very aerial manner with clear development of the prism and the perfectly sharp terminations, translucent and with abundant inclusions of dark green Chlorite concentrated in the centers of the Quartz prisms, and which in turn are partially covered by very clear, practically transparent Albite crystals.
An alpine classic from a well-known mineralogical area of Switzerland.
Grischun (Grisons; Graubünden)  Switzerland

Specimen size: 8.1 × 7.3 × 4.4 cm = 3.19” × 2.87” × 1.73”

Main crystal size: 4.3 × 1 cm cm = 1.69” × 0.39”


EPR86CD4: Mammillary/botryoidal aggregate formed by crystals of Chalcopyrite known as the 'blister copper' variety.
A true antique and a classic of English mineralogy from the collection of Colonel John Wilson Rimington and which is accompanied by an original label and an old box, which we will send to the buyer. The prestigious Drouot auction house in Paris auctioned the piece in 1912.
Carn Brea, Pool, Illogan, Camborne - Redruth - Saint Day District, Cornwall  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 2.4 × 2.3 × 2.1 cm = 0.94” × 0.91” × 0.83”

Former collection of Colonel John Wilson Rimington

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

EEF86CD4: Mammillary/botryoidal aggregate formed by crystals of Chalcopyrite known as the 'blister copper' variety.
A true antique and a classic of English mineralogy from the collection of Colonel John Wilson Rimington and which is accompanied by an old label from the Deyrolle establishment in Paris, which we will send scanned to the buyer of the piece. The prestigious Drouot auction house of Paris auctioned the piece in 1912.
Carn Brea, Pool, Illogan, Camborne - Redruth - Saint Day District, Cornwall  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 2.7 × 2.1 × 1.7 cm = 1.06” × 0.83” × 0.67”

Former collection of Colonel John Wilson Rimington

Hilgardite on Boracite

Recorded under neon light
Hilgardite on Boracite

TFX16CDD: A good example of two uncommon species, one of them, the Hilgardite, a true rarity, especially due to its intense red color contrasting with Boracite.
It comes from the famous Lindsay Greenbank collection (No. DDLG2526) and from the collection of Emmanuel C. Bravais (Ref. EB4691)
Boulby Mine, Loftus, Yorkshire  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 8 × 4.1 × 4 cm = 3.15” × 1.61” × 1.57”

Main crystal size: 0.1 × 0.1 cm = 0.04” × 0.04”

Hilgardite on Boracite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Hilgardite on Boracite. Detail
Hilgardite on Boracite. Detail / Foto: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Foto: Joaquim Callén
Chalcopyrite with Tetrahedrite, Galena and Quartz
Chalcopyrite with Tetrahedrite, Galena and Quartz. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Chalcopyrite with Tetrahedrite, Galena and Quartz. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Recorded under neon light

EBJ47CD2: Chalcopyrite coatings on Tetrahedrite crystals with well-defined tetrahedral and tritetrahedral forms. They are on a matrix with aerial groups of Galena crystals and white Quartz crystals.
From a mine famous worldwide for the quality of its specimens, this piece stands out for the good color of the Chalcopyrite despite the passage of years, and in general, for its harmony and beauty.
Herodsfoot Mine, Lanreath, Liskeard, Cornwall  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 8 × 6.9 × 4.8 cm = 3.15” × 2.72” × 1.89”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.7 cm = 0.71” × 0.67”




MRR69CD4: Very sharp skeletal crystal with very marked spinel-law twinning, with well-developed faces and edges and of considerable dimensions for the locality. More reddish in color than usual for native coppers.
The locality was very prolific in its time, but more recently nothing comes from there anymore, and only old specimens like this one are available.
Itauz Mine, Dzhezkazgan, Karaganda Region  Kazakhstan

Specimen size: 6.3 × 1.3 × 0.4 cm = 2.48” × 0.51” × 0.16”

Main crystal size: 6.3 × 1.3 cm = 2.48” × 0.51”

Recorded under neon light

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