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Asia (excl. China) - Australia - Turkey

Molybdenite with Quartz

Recorded under neon light

ETV57CD1: From a locality that yields very good molybdenites, this one is especially lustrous and shiny.
It is a delight to find a metallic mineral of such beauty.
Kingsgate, Gough County, New South Wales  Australia

Specimen size: 7.7 × 5.5 × 2.1 cm = 3.03” × 2.17” × 0.83”

Main crystal size: 7.1 × 4.5 cm = 2.80” × 1.77”

Scolecite with Quartz

EXX97CDD: They were seen and quickly vanished and caught attention at the time due to their color and appearance, very different from other scolecites. In the case of this piece, it's in a Quartz matrix, adding to its uniqueness.
Chandanapuri, Samgamner, Ahmadnagar District, Maharashtra  India

Specimen size: 5.4 × 5.2 × 2.9 cm = 2.13” × 2.05” × 1.14”

Recorded under neon light
Fluorapophyllite-(K) with Stilbite-Ca

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light
Fluorapophyllite-(K) with Stilbite-Ca. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

MPQ91CD2: Growth of very sharp, transparent, shiny, and intensely green Fluorapophyllite-(K) crystals. On matrix, with white flattened crystals of Stilbite-Ca.
Although fluorapophyllites-(K) are a common mineral species, these green and shiny ones from Jalgaon were remarkable in their time.
Jalgaon District, Maharashtra  India

Specimen size: 8.9 × 3.9 × 4.5 cm = 3.50” × 1.54” × 1.77”

Main crystal size: 1.3 × 0.4 cm = 0.51” × 0.16”

Former collection of M. Gabriel


MGB96CD2: Botryoidal growth of Thomsonite, in a color between pink and lilac, covering centered growths of white fibrous crystals of Thomsonite.
Among the many zeolites from the basaltic platform of the Deccan, occasionally, one stands out for its originality.
Aurangabad, Aurangabad District, Maharashtra  India (10/2005)

Specimen size: 12.6 × 10.3 × 4.1 cm = 4.96” × 4.06” × 1.61”

Recorded under neon light
Thomsonite. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Brucite with Dypingite

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

TXB67CD4: Group of isolated spherical aggregates, formed of Brucite crystals with an excellent brilliant luster and with an unusual quality and intensity of the uniform lemon-yellow color. Deposited on a rock matrix partially covered by sharp Dypingite crystals. Both mineral species are found in peridotites and are a product of serpentinization in a regional ophiolitic complex.
The Dypingite has been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analytical report to the buyer.
Killa Saifullah District, Balochistan (Baluchistan)  Pakistan

Specimen size: 9.2 × 7.4 × 3.4 cm = 3.62” × 2.91” × 1.34”

With analysis copy

Diopside with Titanite

EQQ87CD2: Parallel growths of well-defined, shiny, deep green Diopside crystals with associated small Titanite crystals.
With numerous intertwined crystals, its appearance is very different from other diopsides.
Alchuri, Shigar District, Gilgit-Baltistan (Northern Areas)  Pakistan

Specimen size: 5.8 × 2.6 × 2.2 cm = 2.28” × 1.02” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 0.6 cm = 0.55” × 0.24”

Recorded under neon light
Diopside with Titanite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Diopside with Titanite

Recorded under neon light
Diopside with Titanite. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

EPR28CD2: Parallel growths of well-defined, shiny, deep green Diopside crystals with associated small Titanite crystals.
With numerous intertwined crystals, its appearance is very different from other diopsides.
Alchuri, Shigar District, Gilgit-Baltistan (Northern Areas)  Pakistan

Specimen size: 6.6 × 2.1 × 1.8 cm = 2.60” × 0.83” × 0.71”

Main crystal size: 2 × 0.5 cm = 0.79” × 0.20”

Diaspore with Margarite

TBB27CD3: V-twinned Diaspore crystals, very thick, with perfectly defined faces and edges. They are well terminated, have very deep green tones, especially towards the rhombic terminal faces, and bear parallel fibrous growths of Margarite crystals, which in most of them are embedded in Diopside.
A Turkish classic. Very potent specimen for the locality of origin.
Ilbir Mountain, Pinarcik, Milâs District, Muğla Province, Aegean Region  Turkey (2022)

Specimen size: 8.6 × 8.3 × 7.2 cm = 3.39” × 3.27” × 2.83”

Main crystal size: 8.6 × 8.3 cm = 3.39” × 3.27”

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

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